Educational Children Apps

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Smithsonian Collection

Explore 10 adventures from Smithsonian’s Prehistoric Pals in this interactive book app collection! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Travel back in time to the prehistoric world and learn all about the Saber-Tooth Tiger, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex and more!


Explore the Story:


– ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration

– LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words and pictures

– RECORD your own narration & share it with others

– SELECT a scene with easy-to-use navigation

– KEEP kids in the story with parental controls


These titles have been carefully reviewed by paleontologists at the Smithsonian Institution and provides fascinating information on the prehistoric world


Designed for children ages 3-8


-Ankylosaurus Fights Back: Ankylosaurus is so busy eating that he doesn’t notice the huge T-rex that is watching him! Will he get away from the dangerous predator?


-Is Apatosaurus Okay?: Apatosaurus becomes surrounded by a pack of Ceratosaurus while he slowly lumbers toward the stream to eat. Will he get away and be okay?


-Mosasaurus: Ruler of the Sea: Dive inside the prehistoric sea and follow the story of the enormous Mosasaurus! Will he make his way through the water safely and find himself a tasty snack?


-Pteranodon Soars: Watch as Pteranodon soars above the ocean, swooping down to pick up fish to bring back to her babies! A dark shape lurks under the water, it’s a Mosasaur! Will Pteranodon get away? Jump inside to find out!


-Saber-Tooth Trap: Saber-Tooth Tiger embarks on a wild hunt during the end of the Ice Age! Willhe be able to hunt down his prey?


-A Busy Day for Stegosaurus: Stegosaurus awakes from a deep sleep and sets off to find food for herself before her nest of eggs hatch! Kids will love this glimpse into the lives of fascinating prehistoric creatures as amazing, full-color illustrations bring the adventure to life.


-It’s Tyrannosaurus Rex!: Join Tyrannosaurus Rex, the fiercest predator in all the land, as she shatters the stillness of the prehistoric forest with a loud, pounding sound! Come along and see what she finds to eat.


-Triceratops Gets Lost: Embark on a prehistoric adventure with the young Triceratops in this exciting digital book app! When he is left behind by his herd in the Prehistoric forest, he suddenly finds himself alone and helpless! Will Triceratops survive on his own?


-Velociraptor: Small and Speedy: Join Velociraptor and his band- fierce predators and some of the fastest runners in the land- in this exciting digital book app! Jump inside to see how none of the other creatures in the valley want to be near when the Velociraptors come around!


-Woolly Mammoth In Trouble: Travel back to the Ice Age and join Woolly Mammoth in the cold, windy plains of Europe. As a storm comes and heavy snow falls, Woolly Mammoth becomes lost and caught in the sight of a pack of Saber-Tooth Tigers! Can he find his way out of this trouble and back to his herd?